Animals and birds – 2 Min Easy Read on Pets


Specially dedicated to all the Dog Lovers

Animals- Pets

Together for so many years animals and birds play an important role in our lives


Dogs and cats, mainly domestic animals, are most welcomed in our homes.

From the poor to rich households, dogs are one of the friendly members of the family.

The economically rich may have foreign breed dogs, and they may spread money to maintain them.

However, an ordinary man may not spend extra money to maintain his pets – for dogs and cats.

He may feed them with the food leftover from what he eats.

In the villages also the pet animals, both dogs and cats are taken care of.

Hens and cocks are also given a place in farms.

Domestic animals like cows, bulls and goats are part and parcel of their lives.

Unconditional Love

 If we show little care on these animals and birds, they in return, shower on us – unconditional love.

We hear many celebrities from the cinema and cricket world – adopt stray dogs and take care of them.

Even many actors and cricketers have many foreign breed dogs and cats as pets.

Let us not forget the blue cross in Chennai, which takes care of sick dogs and treat them.

Personally, more than five times, The blue cross has come near our household in recent years and rescued very sick dogs. Hats off to them.

Other than the blue cross, there are numerous smaller organisations also – which take care of sick dogs. Hats off to them.

Even in smaller towns, they are kind-hearted people who take care of dogs that are hit by vehicles on the roads.

Let us try to take care of all animals. Even if we do not like them, let us at least not hurt them.

We hear and see that dogs and cats are friendly with each other. Wild animals like lions and tigers show their gratitude to human beings.


Read about the article on Boredom -Read Easy in 2 mins written by Anurajan RS.

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  1. It is a virtual appeal to everyone pleading to shower the love and care to stray animals. Someone may have the desire to raise pets or even adopt stray dogs in their homes. But due to various reasons it may not be possible to them and I am one among. Your write up prompt me to contribute something to the institutions sheltering the stray animals during the important occasions. Your concern won’t go in vain.

  2. Excellent article on these living beings, who yearn for love and affection.
    Reminds me of Vicky, those days you had.
    Whether small or big, these are therapies for human beings , many a time , saved lits of people from depression and danger.
    What a lovely article!!
    Has touched all those who read .Awesome Anu

  3. Lovely …way of writing… Simple and Very nice… ”Unconditional. Love “”—–very apt word used. Beautiful description…


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