Prepared by Dr R. NIRMALA
Dedicated to all Women and Families
What is forty? Forty years after completing her activities as a daughter, wife, daughter-in-law, and grandmother. A woman has four stages in her life.

- Childhood & youth up to 25 years – the happiest golden period in her life.
- Marriage and family life as a housewife, mother, and daughter-in-law. She has undergone incredibly stressful 20 years managing her children, husband, and their wellbeing. This also can be managed because of her age and healthy outlook.
- Perimenopausal and menopausal period – 40 to 50 years of age. The most stressful and sensitive phase has to be managed with courage, physical strength, and mental health.
- Postmenopausal – 50 to 60 years above. This period is not stressful, but with deteriorating, physical and mental health can be carefully managed.
Our topic is “FEMALE FORTY.”
Two things to be concentrated are physical health and mental health.
Most problems start at 40 or after 40 years.
- Woman’s hormonal careers getting exhausted by 40 years. Because of this, hormonal changes excessive bleeding problems leading to anaemia and other complications. Due to this, excessive hormonal problems leads to the development of breast and intrauterine and ovarian cancers.
- Due to lowered levels of thyroid hormones, there is a situation that leads to the above complications mentioned.
- Obesity – Women put on excessive weight which also contributes to the disturbances of hormones and excess fats can lead to gall bladder stones and fatty liver.
- Medical problems – Most of the woman have a family history of diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism, and a few malignant problems.

Hormonal factors are leading to depression, frustration, and irritability which upsets family peace.
The feeling of letting down by the family for whom she struggled for the past 25 years.
- Take a proper healthy diet with a schedule.
Healthy foods
- Milk, green vegetables – mostly as salads, fruits, healthy nuts.
- Reduce carbohydrates and fats.
- Eat more of millets and cereals.
- Periodical health checkup – Blood pressure, Blood sugar, Haemoglobin, Thyroid, Ultrasonography of whole abdomen and Mammogram.
- Take calcium, iron and other drugs as prescribed by your physician.
- Believe in yourself that you can be healthy with good 6 to 8 hours of sleep, exercises, yoga, and meditation.
- Faith in God as per your choice.

Believe in yourself, and you are your own master, do not have expectations – you can be still strong mentally and physically
After you cross 50 and 60 years, you become stronger and stronger can run through your peaceful, healthy life until you are 80.
Do read about Folic acid written by Dr R. Nirmala
Wow, Awesome , Aunty
Congratulations and Best Wishes
Thank you sir for your kind words
Great stuff. .
Thank you ma for your kind words
Nice article 👍 “YOU SHOULD TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FOR YOURSELF” you are right ! always pleasure reading you 😊
Thank you ma for your kind words
Pleasant surprise. Thank you so so much Dr. 🙏
Thank you sir for your kind words
Thanks for sharing mam. Very useful and great initiative. Keep continue doing this mam😃
Thank you ma for your kind words.
You are what You Think You Are. So believe in Yourself – all ways of living has said the same, albeit in different words.
You are the sculptor of your Life – No one can Stop you from Thinking. So have your thoughts and Values clear in Life.
These are few lessons I have learnt from Life – guided by my Guru’s beginning with my Mother.
Thank you sir for your kind words
Am Dr Sheela Sasikumar Head Clinical Research Excellent initiative mam
Very true I never bothered to take care about myself only after 50 I realised now that I should give importance to me take…
Am also trying to create awareness on boosting immune system especially for the younger generation thru webinars as a speaker
Thank you mam for your kind words.
Much useful lessons.
Great guidance at right time for me periamma.
Thank you very much.
Thank you ma for your kind words
Thank u …
Very nice and useful for all Chitti. Am doing for the past five years, especially these two years, what you have advised and find it very useful. All women should start from the age of 40 years as Chitti says. It’s very useful in the long run . Great Chitti.
Thank you ma for your kind words
Good initiative mam.. Please continue writing like this!
Thank you mam for your kind words
This is an awesome initiative. Please do continue mam!
Thank you sir for your kind words.
Good information for all women…Thank u Mam…
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Very good message given by Dr. Nirmala. R.
Best wishes iam very happy for giving advice to females above 40.
Thank you sir for your kind words.
Excellent writting style…loved your content delivery mam…Inspired .best wishes mam..
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Very nice article
Thank you sir for your kind words.
Very nice writing ma😍😍 it’s always great to learn from experienced once….
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Good stuff👍🏻
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Feeling energetic and motivated. We know how important is the role of women in a family. She is the back bone. So we have keep our health stable. Thank you doctor for inspiring words.
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Useful tips
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Thank you Patti. I’m in the second stage dealing with what you have described. I’m trying to be fit and healthy physically and mentally.
All is well.:)
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Good information.
Thank you sir for your kind words.
Wonderful words patti.Thank you for describing in detail on ones physical and mental Health.Will start following it.Keep educating and inspiring us😊.
Thank you ma for your kind words.
You have explained very well.🙏🙏🙏
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Really it is very good information to all the women thanks a lot for sharing us
Thank you mam for your kind words
Really it is very good information to all the women thanks a lot for sharing us
Thank you mam for your kind words.
Thank you so much Paati. Many young people like me look up to you for your insights and guidance.
Thank you for your kind words
Thank you so much Doctor. Very informative and encouraging . Keep posting such articles very often. Thank you once again
Thank you mam for your kind words.
Nice periyamma..nice informative..hats off…
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Awesome periamma this is a very useful message which I want to know for my future to keep in mind. Reading this gives me to know more about female 🙏. once again thanks periamma
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Very useful. Thank you so much.
Thank you mam for your kind words.
Awesome doctor 👍😊🙏
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Very informative for woman. But most of the woman didn’t care their health. They sacrificed their life for family. Each one should take care of about health. Excellent explanation doctor. Congratulations. Also recently most infertility cases are coming. Due to leading of stressed life. You can also give the solution for it with your experience.
Thank you sir for your kind words.
Very useful information Dr. Thank you very much for nice words. Definitely we will follow the same
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Very useful information
Thank you sir for your kind words.
A must read for every woman!..
Words of wisdom Dr.Nirmala..
Looking forward for more
Thank you sir for your kind words.
Much needed one for all the women’s out there .
Very helpful tips for happy life 😊 much appreciated for the efforts taken 🙏
Thank you sir for your kind words.
Valuable Advice which most of us required Mam.
You should take care of yourself for yourself’ – rightly said
Thanks a lot .
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Dearest Amma,
Very inspiring and informative !! You are an exemplary example…. still ENERGETIC AT EIGHTIES 👍
A humble suggestion. It can be FABULOUS FEMALE- FORTY💕
Thank you ma for your kind words.
It’s beautiful and boosts my positivity aunty! All the best 🙂
Thank you ma for your kind words.
Awesome information grand ma keep rocking,
Thank you so much sir
Hi Dr mam, it’s. Pleasure to read through through ur article. It becomes more sweet when I think we know you personally mad we all belong to the same village. At this age you are ever so active and graceful. May God give you good health and happiness in the years to come. Convey my love to your grandson Munna
Thank you so much sir
Wow .. awesome article … final touch of an author you should take care of yourself for yourself.. amazing word selection good .. I have to thank Dr.Arvind brother for sharing this Dangit through social media..