Boredom -Read Easy in 2 mins


Dedicated to all my friends and family members

Maybe this is most used “boring”, “boredom” during this lockdown, by mostly all of us.

Even kindergarten students pester their parents during summer holidays, repeatedly saying “It is boring mom and dad”.



I understand it would have been like working on a big project all these three months, to handle all our children.

Now maybe after the online classes, even for Lkg, Ukg, Ist std to Vth standard class, children and parents would have little relief from boredom.


Nevertheless, let us later discuss the difficulties of online classes, that little children undergo.

VI to XII classes students is now made busy by their online classes.

Playing indoor games, reading books on various subjects like current events, general knowledge can be a solution for the boredom.

A few hours watching television and using smartphones should be allowed.

However, parents should also take care of the children and watch how young children spent their time.

College students

Next, our college students are brilliant. They know how to spend usefully during this lockdown, and they engage themselves in various online programmes.

Nevertheless, they should also try to help their classmates, who are not well versed in computer or online classes.

Middle Age

Now coming to middle age family persons, spouses should help each other in the household works. In their free time, they should pursue their hobbies.

Even they can join various online programmes of their interests. As a family, they can enjoy watching movies, doing little yoga and exercising.

Senior Citizens

The senior citizens should be guided to use their smartphones, computer, and television in a way they wish to listen like music or videos.

On a concluding note, let us overcome this boredom by being together in this lockdown.


Read about the article on Understanding and Misunderstanding – Easy Read in 2 mins written by Anurajan RS.

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  1. Mam, u just remembered my school days i used to tel mom always i feel soo bore. But now i always keeps myself busy to work

  2. Discussed well covering all the age groups by giving worthy tips to handle the present crisis. Well thought out post

  3. Oh. Very nicely laid out for different stages of life. Nowadays this leads to depression too, if one is alone.
    You have also mentioned ways to beat this.
    Best Wishes, my sister.


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