Appreciation in life – A magical keyword to avoid tensions in life



All of us, love to be appreciated, even for the smallest things or work, we do.

The present trend is to “LIKE” and give comment, for the photo, message and post we put. Nevertheless, do we like, comment and appreciate others.

Appreciation through likes
Most of the while, we are so busy that we forget to appreciate the good things of our close relations and friends do for us.

When we expect to be appreciated for everything, make it a point to do it for others, also.

Many times we find a particular time to criticize even the smallest mistakes, others would have done, accidentally.
We are ready to give advice and comment freely, for our whims and fancies.

We might be obsessed with our culture, religion, language, and we can not tolerate others point of view.

However, this is one of the prime problems our nation is facing.
Let us treat our fellow human beings with compassion, learn to appreciate everyone above their religion, culture and language.

Nevertheless, this will surely help us to leave all tension and gives us peace of mind.

Just try to see small good things in others and tell them how good you feel about it.

You can see how HAPPY, and you will become, and make others also HAPPy, by your little APPRECIATION.

This small APPRECIATION is a big reward and a big step, to help others LET LIVE

Read about the article on Forgive and Forget needs real courage written by Anurajan RS.

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  1. Lovely article. Appreciation is the boost and bonus to anyone who deserves, doesn’t involve monetary burden. It plays a long way as a morale booster.
    Superb article.
    Best Wishes, Anu

  2. Appreciation is a magic word. A simple appreciation will bring back a lot. In work places it will do wonders. It has no origin or end. ……… being in transit from one to the other. What we are giving today was received y’day. You are choosy in picking the topics. Beautifully dealt it. Your write ups made us to expect the next release anxiously. Treat us with more delicious write ups

  3. My sincere appreciations to you for your article.. Which is beautifully explained about the word.. and it’s importance..the need. Superb… Keep it up..

      • We never ever forget when we get appreciation for small things We do for others and tell us about how good they feel about .It will creates positivity and encouraging us to do more in future.Your articles with different topic is simply well said .👍keep It up


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