Forgive and Forget needs real courage


Do we remember our childhood days when we were so happy to join hands with our best friend after we had a small fight!

Forgive and Forget

It was so easy to forget, the small mistakes we did and forgave each other.

Our childhood days was a bed of roses, and we were not worried about the thorns.

How was it possible? Because we had only love and trust among our friends, so it made everything easy.

There was no ego, no fights; it was easy to say sorry and forgive and forget the small misunderstandings we had with each other.

Nevertheless, as we grew old, so also all our problems started to grow.

Daily, we landed up to face so many troubles in our life. If we compromised and learnt to forgive and forget a little, we can become happier and more peaceful.

First, let us start with our families. How do parents handle small children?

We hear and see in newspapers and social media – about small children taking the drastic step.

Small child is not able to face the situation and is forced into a stressful circumstance.

Now, the parents and teachers should show love and care to the children.

Forgive their small mistakes and make them forget the stressful situation – help them to live their rules, teach them to face life.


In our peer groups and friends and society, how do we handle all the mishaps?

Are we ready to forgive and forget, if we get into an argument or small fight with our friend or colleague?

Mostly because of our ego, we find it hard even to forgive our close friend or relative.

Let us come out of all this negativity and ego and learn to forgive and forget unwanted and unnecessary issues.

In this present pandemic let us be more patient and kinder to our fellow beings.

To forgive and forget – needs real courage- it makes us strong and more humane.

forgive and forget

Read about the article on Good Habits vs Addictions – Time to choose the best written by Anurajan RS.

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  1. Apology, forgive and forget are interconnected words.Saying sorry is simple as it comes from lip. Whereas apology is from heart, yes brave heart. One who could feel the pain of others as his could able to seek apology. Admitting the fault became very rare and a great thing in the egoist society. Likewise forgive and forget. It’s all have link with one anotherTo handle all the three requires courage. Your write up over this is a strong message to be welcomed by the peace lovers. This topic is an another feather in your cap

  2. Congratulations writer. …. Nowadays your articles moved to next level… Forgive and Forget… Such a nice attitude.. Culture… must be developed doubt… Explained in nice manner.. Very good conclusion.. Selection of topic is good.. Wishes for your more articles… Waiting. ..!!!!



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