Dedicated to my Family
You may be wondering how freedom and discipline; would they go together. Yes, Very much.
With our family background, education, and the way we train ourselves – that discipline, help us to use the freedom accurately given to us.
The freedom of speech and writing and living and movement is currently often discussed.
The freedom we give our children at a young age, with our proper guidance and how we teach them basic discipline.
It helps children when they grow not to misuse their given freedom.
The discipline we learn in our childhood and our education alone comes with us until the end.
The freedom given to a child without he/she not knowing what is right or wrong is in no way going to help their life.
When parents guide and teach them the discipline of choosing what is proper.
Then, in later life, the child learns to lead and decide by themselves. So, freedom and discipline are essential.
Nevertheless, freedom is misunderstood nowadays as speech, writing, living and movement without any basic discipline.
They claim liberty and freedom is to do what they want, without thinking and considering others.
Freedom is not to do things that are not proper for our family, society, or us.
Our freedom is not to hurt or disturb others. To respect each other and give space is absolute freedom.
Freedom is doing what we like and is proper, and in no way it should spoil the person we are.
We should discipline ourselves and use the freedom given adequately to us.
Read about the article on Gratitude vs Ingratitude – It is high time to think and express the best written by Anurajan RS.
Any freedom should have some restrictions such as boundaries, parameters, frameworks and so on. The restrictions are the discipline. Disciplined freedom is real and meaningful. Freedom without discipline will lead to aimless nomadic life which could be seen as lunatic by others. Discipline to freedom is important as axle to a vehicle. With two simple words you built a formidable castle. As usual waiting for your next writeup
Thank you sir for your kind words.
Freedom, Human Rights and Rights for liberty are always used in different contexts for various agendas. It’s well said, that freedom and discipline matters mist subjective and objective in the eyes of others too.
So to keep oneself correctly, these have to be used properly.
V. Useful article. Best Wishes to you, Anu.
Thank you sir for your kind words.
The article nicely described about the Freedom and Discipline.. very good ..must be defined and discussed by the parents and elders in right way… No doubt..
Right time topic. Good conclusion… Wishes
Thank you mam for your kind words.
Well said ,
*without discipline no freedom ,
without freedom no discipline,
Without freedom and discipline no reasonable life,
*Every parent is the first teacher
Every teacher is the second parent ,
* Every child is the shadow of the parent .
This article is very very clear about discipline,
Well done
Thank you mam for your kind words.
Aptly and rightly written dear Sister Anu. Freedom and discipline are inter dependent on each other and the best teacher to guide are parents. Earlier the better. Children who grow learning both become better citizens to lead in all fields.
Thank you mam for your kind words.
Very well articulated the view points.
Thank you ma for your kind words.