Good Habits vs Addictions – Time to choose the best


From good morning messages we share in our digital media/phones to a good night, habits are good.

Good, till we do it daily and it does not disturb or hurt others.

Good Habits

Most of the habits are used to most of the habits from our childhood and learn them, and few we continue forever.

One person may have the habit of getting up early before sunrise, doing exercise, yoga.

Good HabitsFew others may get up late but do their daily schedule systematically and plan their work accordingly.

These few habits may vary; with these habits, we should not judge a person.

Again, habits that we feel comfortable with, which would not harm us or disturb the persons around us, is no issue.

Likewise, our eating and sleeping habits should be healthy.

In the long run, habits, sometimes without awareness, may turn into addictions, which is not good.


Damaging habits like smoking, drinking and consuming drugs often turn into Addictions.

Types of addiction Even if they do not turn into addictions, unhealthy habits still cause harm for the particular person and this family.

Both suffer from unhealthy habits, like consuming alcohol in the lower and middle classes.

The drunkard ill-treats the family-wife and children.

However, now habits related to using our digital phones among children and youngsters have turned dangerous and slowly into addictions.

We often hear children, youngsters, and even adults playing various games on mobile phones for more than twelve hours during this lockdown.

Types of addiction

This habit, when it becomes an addiction, is very hazardous. Let parents guide their children with love and care and help divert their children from these habits.

They should be introduced to various beneficial hobbies and exercise and yoga classes online.

So, let us help children and youngsters to learn healthy habits and save them from falling into unwanted addictions.

Read about the article on Freedom and Discipline – Choose The Right Path In Style written by Anurajan RS.

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  1. Beautiful illustrations, well laid out.
    Habits die hard, but Good habits too are a treasure for people.
    Addictions, Good or bad, again , speaks true of the happenings around us.
    Awesome topic
    Congratulations and Best Wishes, Any.
    Stay Blessed

  2. Very important doubt. Useful suggestions.. Must follow the good habits and quit bad habits.. Really.. Nice one…
    Loudly we wanted to so say about that.. Right time article.. Wishes for the selection of this. ” Topic”..

  3. Habit is the guiding factor for doing everything by everyone on every day. Parents, education, environment are shaping everyone in all stages of life. The silverline is demarcating the good and bad. Bad leads to addiction. Like the two sides of the coin good and bad prevails in the society. Cautiously handled it in your own style by showing the right path.

  4. Very good article dear. Hope people take it in the good stride and firm good habits which will help them and the universe.
    As you have written Yoga and Pranayam are very good habits to be cultivated young and even at the later years will always help to keep one fit physically as well as mentally. It’s very good and useful especially in the time of crisis like pandemic now we are facing.

  5. Good one. Lets us follow the habits that keeps us physically and mentally fit and healthy with all the happenings around.


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