Easy Read on The Science of Mind Management book review in 5 mins


Let’s get started with The Science of Mind Management book review and important lessons from the book

the science of mind management book review

The Science of Mind Management by Swami Mukundananda is one of the must-read books during these times. Are you going mad with the pressure of managing your personal and professional these days? Take a break and read the book thoroughly, or if you’re too engaged to read the book – Buy from Amazon, read these ten life-changing steps by Swami Mukundananda. Buy the book The Science of Mind Management by Swami Mukundananda from Amazon.

1. Why Mind Management is Crucial

Our mind can be our best friend or worst enemy. As rightly said by John Milton. 

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

A well-managed mind can create beautiful thoughts from nowhere, and in turn, our thoughts fructify into actions. On the same grounds, an ill-managed mind can create complex thoughts, which can cause dangerous results in life. We have the power to control things that happen in our lives by changing our thought patterns and thinking good thoughts. If you plan to control what happens in your life, you should start by controlling your thoughts. 

2. Cause of Mental Agony and How to stop 

The body can get the disease, and we all are aware of it. Likewise, there are afflictions of the mind as well. Some of the mental afflictions include Anger, Greed, Desire, Envy and Pride, among others. Each of these mental afflictions is interdependent, and the root cause of these afflictions is the contemplation of happiness.

Swami Mukundananda explains with both scientific and Vedic examples how to direct our properly mind to contemplate happiness in God will liberate us from all these mental afflictions since God is all pure and in devotion to him will help us. 

3. How Habits can help us in managing the mind

Most of our thoughts are involuntary responses to stimuli or situations. Instilling positive thoughts in our minds isn’t easy. To achieve it, we have to instil habits that create positive reviews. Scientifically speaking, repetitive thoughts can engrave in the neural network, and it is easy to get that thought after that. On this ground, habits can pull our behaviour and thought pattern, which is difficult to break.

If you feel you have a bad habit, you can change it by reflecting on what side effects it causes on us. Initially, it takes a lot of energy on instilling good practice; later on, it doesn’t take much of your time or energy. With enough repetition, we can create good habits and eliminate bad ones, and it will be wise to avoid the triggers which cause old habits. 

4. How you can leverage intellect to control the mind

Our inner being naturally knows which is beneficial and harmful and whether it will create happiness or sadness. Our mind uses that information to either desire or averts from people, objects or situations. God has gifted us the intellect to control minds, and this gift is called Vivek. Like a child that wants gratification, there is always a fight between Mind and Intellect.

One must practice discernment to rein the mind, and it requires enrichment with divine knowledge. With proper Guru and Vedic Knowledge, one can enrich the intellect with godly wisdom, and in turn, it can help you control the mind. 

5. Empowering intellect

Hearing and reading divine knowledge is the first step in empowering the intellect. The process of reading or listening to divine wisdom is called Shravan. The sacred knowledge which is forgotten is of no use, and hence one must repeat and revise it so that it stays. This process is called Manan.

Finally, one must internalize the knowledge and make a solid decision to align the knowledge with the intellect. The process is called Nididhayasan. By following these steps, it is possible to empower the intellect.

6. Overcoming Maya 

 The process of Nididhayasan seems easy. However, all of us are in control of Maya, which again is God’s energy. To overcome it, normal humans cannot do it by themselves. Only with the help of God, one can conquer Maya. God helps those who surrender to him, and only through complete surrender one can get God’s grace in conquering Maya. 

7. Karma Yoga as a tool for keeping emotions at bay

Stress is a state of mind which arises due to tension and anxiety happening continuously through the changing environment. It is possible to eliminate stress by not thinking of the outcome.

Karma Yoga is nothing but doing worldly actions with only God in mind. Karma Yoga requires constant remembrance of God and attachment to him. 

8. Positive affirmations for better mind

There are two aspects to the mind, one the conscious and the other the subconscious. Subconscious is more powerful. It can either cripple and support one. To control the subconscious, we have to pass the positive inputs to the conscious mind, called positive affirmations. In Veda, we call this Japa, where we chant God’s name, which is the basis of contemplation. 

9. Visualization – a powerful technique

A picture is worth a thousand words. That is why visualization is more potent than Japa. Constantly and vividly imagining positive things is visualization. While doing visualization, visualize about God, and that is how we can build devotion. 

Finally, one must dedicate time and energy to follow the teachings and put them to use deliberately only then it is possible to manage the mind. Not just by reading a book. 

I take this opportunity to thank Swami Mukundananda for giving this treasure to the world.

Also read about Emotional Freedom Technique – A Tool to Stimulate Energy Points


  1. Very nice articulation of the book. Everything requires a very conscious effort to achieve the journey being a successful karma yogi. In this current world of people with alot of aggression being a karma yogi is a like giving a tough fight. Thanks

  2. Thank you for sharing with us this interesting informations about this book ! I will look for it soon and read it 😊


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